Natural Vs. Synthetic Fragrance

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There has been a massive explosion of awareness recently in the men’s cosmetic and grooming industries around the use of synthetic fragrance. This trend will continue into 2018 as consumers demand more transparency about raw ingredients contained in their products – especially ones that come in direct contact with their skin.


Basically, there are two types of fragrance.


  • SYNTHETIC FRAGRANCES are derived by mixing up to 200 different chemicals together to create a desired scent. A study out of the USA claims 95% of chemicals used in the manufacture of synthetic fragrances are compounds derived from petroleum – YUCK! There are numerous potential health risks associated with exposure to these compounds including, but by no means limited to, skin irritation, eye irritation, drying and cracking of the skin, respiratory problems (including asthma) plus many others.


  • NATURAL FRAGRANCES are, well…natural. They are mixtures of essential oils and derived from plants. Essential oils have been used throughout the generations as natural remedies for things like tension, skin conditions, mental stimulation, infection, muscle pain, muscle fatigue and stress to name a few.


So then, it’s a no brainer – right? Well, not quite. Natural fragrances derived from essential oils can be incredibility expensive and for the majority of manufacturers focused on bottom line profit, simply not a viable option. Hmm.


At Earnest Empire we only use natural fragrances derived from essential oils. Our bespoke fragrances have been designed especially for Earnest Empire in New Zealand and manufactured at the home of perfumery in Grasse, France. This commitment to our customers well being is just one the elements in ensuring all Earnest Empire products offer the ultimate in not only performance, but also safety.

You can check out the entire Earnest Empire range at


Enjoy exploring our products!


Blog source: . Fragrances are not just pleasant odors.... The New England Grassroots Environmental Fund: Environmental Health Coalition of Western Massachusetts:


Fragrance Ingredient information Product information Raw ingredients

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